Kuukausiarkisto June, 2007

* Remember to relax on vacation!

Kirjoitettu 24.06.2007 - jaamo. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

I’ll call to piggy to wish him a great vacation. No answer, maybe he’s trying to relax... SHUT UP! I’m trying to relax!

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* Massive lay offs

Kirjoitettu 17.06.2007 - jaamo. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Half of us will be fired! Mjeah... How can you  be so calm? I was fired a year ago.  Nobody has noticed that  I’m still here.

Lue uusimmat sarjakuvat osoitteessa www.officeanimals.com


* If you want to be creative, you have to try new things

Kirjoitettu 10.06.2007 - jaamo. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

If you want to be  creative, you have to try  new things and get out of your comfort zone. I’ll try ZH-shell instead of  Bash-shell on my Linux! NO! Try  something  REALLY new! Ok, I take a shower!

Lue uusimmat sarjakuvat osoitteessa www.officeanimals.com


* How to find a name for your company?

Kirjoitettu 3.06.2007 - jaamo. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Some might ask why our company is  called Dfjdlj djg d Ltd.

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